
COS Mission of Baton Rouge


Effective, drug-free methods to relieve anxiety

Whether you feel anxiety occasionally or it’s a chronic condition, anxiety can interfere with or even cripple your life. With Dianetics auditing it’s possible to get your anxious feelings under control and view life with calm and optimism.

Anxiety can include different emotions and feelings. They all center around a basic feeling of fear, and can include any of the following

  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Extreme worry
  • Debilitating nervousness
  • Dread
  • Panic
  • Irrational fears
  • Self-doubt

Where does anxiety come from?

These various anxious feelings come directly from a hidden part of your mind, the reactive mind. Your reactive mind records moments of physical and mental upset and trauma, anguish, extreme anxiety or stress and emotional shock such as deaths and failures. These moments are stored in the reactive mind’s own memory banks where they are unavailable to your conscious recall and not under your direct control.

At any time, however, the emotions and physical sensations stored in the reactive mind can be triggered and affect you without your being able to do anything about it.

This all happens below the level of the person’s awareness. They just know that they feel anxiety. Often, they will try to attribute it to something that is happening in their current environment, such as at work or their relationship. This doesn’t resolve it, as the actual cause lies hidden somewhere in the past.

Dianetics Auditing for Anxiety

Dianetics auditing can help you overcome anxiety. It can eliminate the underlying causes of chronic, constant anxiety and provide real and lasting relief. It is done on-one-one with a Dianetics auditor. You are fully aware at all times; no drugs or hypnosis are involved.

Dianetics auditing has been in use since 1950 when the New York Times bestselling book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard was released. It has helped millions of people be free of the shackles of anxiety and other negative feelings.

Your auditor will help you gently explore the reasons for your anxiety and what underlies it and keeps it in place. The end goal is relief from anxiety, and ultimately, eliminating it from your life altogether.

Where does anxiety come from?

Get a free phone consultation with one of our consultants.
She will discuss with you your situation and answer any questions you have about your situation and our services.

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