
COS Mission of Baton Rouge


Courses that give you tools for a better life

We offer life improvement courses that can be done on your own schedule in our center. Our course supervisor helps you understand and get through the course materials so that you can get the full benefit.

These courses are based on L. Ron Hubbard’s fundamental discoveries of existence and contain basic principles you can use to improve various aspects of your life.

Read below to learn more about our courses.

Success Through Communication Course

Become more confident in your communication! Learn communication skills to improve your personal and work relationships.

Have you ever felt that you weren’t able to be really open with people and say what was on your mind?

Do you want to be more outgoing or less introverted?

Is initiating a conversation or knowing what to talk about difficult for you?

Would you like to be able to have conversations without getting angry or upset, no matter the provocation?

Do you want to be a better listener and understand others more?

These issues and many others can be solved if you understand and are practiced at the different parts of communication. In Scientology there is a communication formula which breaks down communication into its exact steps, and this course has exercises to practice each step until you are fully confident you can communicate with and listen to anyone with ease.

This course is $100 including the course materials.

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